Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Fly Out tomorrow for New York (gateway to Kenya for us)

But, I, of course, am procrastinating from doing the things one should be doing before leaving on that flight in the morning to move overseas like: washing clothes; weighing my suitcases once more just in case and making sure my carry-ons contain no sharp dangerous objects like deadly tweezers or terror inciting nail clippers; searching under every couch, in every drawer and other nooks and crannies for treasures my children have squirreled away somewhere here at mom and dad's; giving my children a bath; going to bed...but instead I adding the following to this blog:

Four Places I go over and over and over:
Starbucks- when I have a gift card!
Aldi- cheapest grocery store
Dollar Tree- cheapest store of random household and other nonsense item
Goodwill-cheap if you find a treasure!

Four Places I'd rather be right now:
1) in Kenya already
2) at Target with money
3) with my awesome husband (he and Isaiah are in Chicago waiting for an Amtrak train to take them to New York via Pennsylvania. The girls and I fly out tomorrow and arrive BEFORE Jerry and Isaiah in New York -the length we'll go to save a buck or hundreds- so that we can be briefed at AIM headquarters before we fly to Nairobi, Kenya in east Africa, our new home!)
4) in bed already done with the stuff I'm currently avoiding doing

Four (okay, 6) Places I like to Eat:
N&J Cafe- a delicious Mediterranean eatery in Wichita, KS, where we lived once upon a time
Rosti Pollo- in Costa Rica, a rotisseri chicken place with lots of other yummy Costa Rican foods!
Queen Sheba- Ethopian restaurant in Worthington, MN, where we lived once upon a time most recently
Taco Bell
Red Robin
Burger King

Four TV Shows I could watch over and over and over:
The Office
30 Rock

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